ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

F.2 To check the product version in Solaris OS

Check the product version according to the procedure shown below.

  1. Logon to Solaris OS, ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser component is installed.
    root (superuser) privileges are not required.

  2. Perform the check version according to the command shown below.

    • To check Manager version

      # pkginfo -l FJSVssmge
    • To check agent version

      # pkginfo -l FJSVssage
  3. pkginfo command output that results from, VERSION verify information.
    ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser VERSION component information, 14.xy format (x and y are numbers) will be output. Of these, 14. x is part of the specified components and versions.


    If the output of pkginfo, the Manager (ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Manager) version is 14.0