The default operation of the polling service can be customized by editing its XML configuration file.
Reflecting the file
If the file has been changed, then it needs to be reflected in this product. To do that, reactivate the Manager or from the Resource management window select [Tool] - [Option] - [Re-read definition file].
Do not delete the file, even if no items are specified.
To customize the polling service, edit the file in the customization directory (not the one in the installation directory).
When the Manager is installed or upgraded, the configuration file is stored in the directory below:
Manager OS | Absolute path name |
Windows | $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\lib\polling\pollingService.xml, where $INS_DIR is the "executable directory" specified during Manager installation. |
Solaris OS, Linux | /opt/FJSVssmgr/lib/polling/pollingService.xml |
To customize the polling service, copy the configuration file in the directory above to the customization directory below, then edit it:
Manager OS | Absolute path name (for customization) |
Windows | $ENV_DIR\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\polling\pollingService.xml, where $ENV_DIR is the "environment directory" specified during Manager installation. |
Solaris OS, Linux | /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/polling/pollingService.xml |
If there is a configuration file in the customization directory, then the Manager uses it, otherwise it uses the default configuration file in the installation directory.
Item | Content |
Polling interval | Polling operation interval (including stopping). |
Polling execution time specification | Polling execution time. |
The tag node hierarchy for is displayed below:
The table below lists the request tags. Please note that the "interval" attribute takes precedence over "exectime".
Attribute name | Content | Default |
interval | Polling interval in seconds (in decimal format). The minimum value is 30 - specifying shorter values will result in this value being used. The maximum value is 9223372036854775 - specifying larger values will result in this value being used. Specifying 0 will cause the polling service to not be executed. | 3600 |
exectime | Polling execution time (in hh:mm:ss format - example: 21:15:00) hh has a valid range of 0 to 23, and mm and ss have a range of 0 to 59. | 01:00:00 |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <PollingControl name="Default” ver="1.0"> <Request name="WatchAlarm" className="" interval="3600"> <param key="Warning" value="pool status changed: Warning" /> <param key="Caution" value="pool status changed: Caution" /> <param key="Normal" value="pool status changed: Normal" /> <Request name="WatchCapacity" className="" exectime="01:00:00" /> </PollingControl>
Modification Method at intervals that observes threshold of Thin Provisioning Pool
Please change the following part when you change the threshold watch interval of Thin Provisioning Pool.
The name attribute changes the interval attribute of the Request tag of "WatchAlarm". It specifies it at the second. Interval attribute is changed to "1800" when changing every 30 minutes.
<Request name="WatchAlarm" className="" interval="1800">
Modification method at acquisition time of capacity information on Thin Provisioning Pool
Please change the following part when you change acquisition time of capacity information on Thin Provisioning Pool.
The name attribute changes the exectime attribute of the Request tag of "WatchCapacity". The value is time (hh): (mm): It specifies it by second (ss). The exectime attribute is changed to "12:00:00" when changing at 12:00.
<Request name="WatchCapacity" className="" exectime="12:00:00" />