ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

B.7.10 Router properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

Device Name

Any character string

Indicates a router name.

Device Status


Indicates the device status.

When the monitoring status is "unmonitored", it is indicated as "unknown".

Monitoring Status


Indicates the level of recognition of a device by this software.

"normal" indicates that the device is recognized normally.

"unmonitored" indicates that the device is registered with this software but cannot be recognized for operation with a LAN.

Manufacturer Name

Any character string

Indicates a manufacturer's name.

Product Name

Any character string

Indicates a product name.

IP Address of Management LAN

IP address

Indicates the IP address of a device.

Management Software

Any character string

Indicates the start command or URL of Management Software. It can be changed manually with the <Change> button. For details, see "B.7 Resource View Properties".)

Firmware Version

Any character string

Indicates the firmware version of a device.

Event Notification function setup

"Setting up",
"Un-setting up",
"Manual setup",

Indicates the status of SNMP Trap transmission place setting.

Nothing is displayed for an unregistered device.

Router Information

Number of FC Ports


Indicates the number of FC ports of a router.

Number of WAN Ports


Indicates the number of WAN ports of a router.