mpaplreg - linkages to the Systemwalker Centric Manager client window
mpaplreg -a -m application_name -p server_node_name -c command_line mpaplreg -d -m application_name mpaplreg -v -m application_name
This command adds the operation item selected from the operation menu in the monitoring window of the Systemwalker Centric Manager administrative client to the pop-up menu that is displayed by right-clicking a node on the map. For information about the command, see mpaplreg in the Systemwalker Centric Manager Reference Manual.
Execute this command to linkage ESC monitor window to Systemwalker Centric Manager client window.
Specify a name for the item added to the menu.
Specify "ESC" for example.
Specify the server node name of the managed node for which you want to add the menu item.
Specify the host name of the node registered in Systemwalker Centric Manager.
Specify the command line entry to be executed when the menu item is selected.
Specify the startup command path of the Client.
Displays a registered menu item.
Deletes a registered menu item.
Addition to a menu
mpaplreg -a -m ESC -p tama -c "\"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Client\bin\rcxclient.exe\""
Deletion from a menu
mpaplreg -d -m ESC
Confirmation of content of menu registration
mpaplreg -v -m ESC Modification example: Administrative domain name : melba Application name : ESC Command line : "C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC\Client\bin\client.exe" Node name : tama
Note the following about executing the command:
Perform this operation each time a storage device is added.
Only a user belonging to the administrator group of the administrative client can perform this operation.