Select the RAIDGroup in which a LogicalVolume is to be created, and select [Design] - [Make LogicalVolume] or select [Make LogicalVolume] from the pop-up menu to open the LogicalVolume creation window.
The LogicalVolume creation window is shown below:
Create a LogicalVolume using the LogicalVolume creation window as follows:
From the RAIDGroup tree, select the free space to be allocated to a new LogicalVolume.
Select one of the following three methods of LogicalVolume creation:
[Specify capacity and number]
Specify the capacity of a LogicalVolume for [Capacity(MB)] and the number of LogicalVolumes for [Number to create].
[Divide free space between volumes]
The LogicalVolume capacity is allocated evenly according to the number specified for [Number to create] in the specified free space areas.
[Specify details for each volume]
The capacity of the LogicalVolumes to be allocated is entered only once to create LogicalVolumes.
After entering all necessary parameters for creating LogicalVolumes, click the <Add> button.
This completes the procedure for assigning LogicalVolumes to the specified RAIDGroup.