ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

8.3.1 HBA state is "The access path must be inherited" after the HBA on the server node is replaced

If the HBA (host bus adapter support type) of a server node where Agent is installed is replaced, this software automatically recognizes this replacement and changes the HBA icon state in the Host view to [Changed] (yellow). (This is detected when an HBA that has a different WWPN is installed in the same slot (physical port number) of the host.) The procedure for access path inheritance at this time is given below.


Before executing the following procedures, read the notes in "8.3 Replacement of the Parts of Supported Device".

  1. Select [View] - [Refresh] from the menu.

  2. Click the HBA icon in the "Server Node view" to select it, and select [Operation] - [Access Path] - [Inherit] - [Inherit] from the menu.

  3. When the dialog shown below appears, select "Normal mode" to use it. (In the normal mode, access path inheritance does not terminate if an error occurs during access path inheritance. If you want to clear the access path inheritance state in the event of an error, select the force mode.)

  4. Based on the following table, this software delete the access path settings created according to old adapter information from the related device, and add the access path settings created according to new adapter information to the device.

    Device type

    Setting by this software

    Fibre Channel switch

    With zoning setting

    Deletion of the one-to-one WWPN zoning created with the WWPN of the old adapter, and setting of the one-to-one WWPN zoning created with the WWPN of a new adapter (but no setting of an access path if port zoning does not require access path inheritance)

    Without zoning setting

    No setting
    However, when "Operation for setting WWPN zoning" has been selected for the Fibre Channel switch, a dialog box allowing the user to enable or disable the zoning setting is displayed.


    Security setting

    Deletion of the old WWPN and setting of a new WWPN for the HBA in the security setting.

    Host affinity (zone) setting

    Deletion of the old WWPN of the HBA from the security setting, and setting of a new WWPN in the affinity group(zone)

    Without security setting

    No setting

    Other storage/tapes/bridges

    No setting

  5. The reboot of server node is required when storage is ETERNUS GR series, depending on the following firmware version.

    Storage devices

    Firmware version


    before V11L21


    before V03L52P1939

  6. The server node side can use this driver as is. Depending on the driver used, however, the command for starting path use must be executed. (The following driver requires execution of the command for starting path use -> VxVM: This driver uses the "vxdctl enable" command.)