This software also provides graph windows with the following time units:
Based on the time selected as monitoring interval, a line graph for a one-hour period is displayed. For example, if the monitoring interval is 30 seconds, a line graph for a one-hour period with values obtained at an interval of 30 seconds is displayed.
Values displayed on the graph are the mean value of the monitoring interval. However, the CM copy remaining volume graph, the number of active disks graph, power consumption graph and temperature graph display information obtained at the time the graph was produced.
Based on the mean values for 10-minute periods, a line graph for a one-day period is displayed.
Based on the mean values per hour, a line graph for a one-week period is displayed.
If the summer time functionality of the operating system is enabled, a part of the graph that is supposed to show the data around the switch to summer time may not be displayed correctly.
Each performance graph may not be able to be displayed at every monitoring interval, per 10-minutes and per 60-minutes, depending on the LAN traffic condition or network environment (e.g. the administrative server and target device of the performance monitoring exist in the different subnets).