ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

6.2.9 Disk allocation

This is a function that can display the location of disk allocation of storage. Select the storage which has to be displayed and select [Element] - [Action] - [Disk Map] from the menu bar. The following disk allocation is displayed:

GR740, ETERNUS3000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS6000 and ETERNUS8000 may be offered in a format that one case is equipped with several racks. To make it clear how disks are deployed on respective racks, information is displayed on each tab by rack. Selecting the tab of a rack you want to view displays disk information corresponding to the rack.

The device name indicates the name of a selected storage device.

Assigned disk information indicates the number of disks assigned to RAIDGroups. System disks (displayed as system) are classified as assigned disks. Hot spares and Dedicated Hot Spare are classified as assigned disks with disk icons displayed as HS. A common RAIDGroup is identified in the same color. The disk locations can easily be recognized on this window. Unassigned disk information indicates the number of disks mounted on the storage but not assigned to RAIDGroups. A disk icon displayed in white represents an unassigned disk.

The total number is the sum of assigned and unassigned disks. The locations of disks that are not mounted on the storage are indicated with disk icons in gray.

Groups in RAID information indicate RAID groups. Levels indicate the RAID levels of the corresponding RAID groups, TPP indicates the TPP numbers belonging to the RAID groups, the number indicates the number of disks making up the corresponding RAID group, the color schemes indicates the corresponding RAID groups.

If no TPP belong to a RAID group, then a hyphen (-) is displayed instead of a TPP number.

The disk arrangement corresponds to the actual device deployment. Slots are deployed from the left to right for GR series and from the right to left for ETERNUS series. DE-ID on the left indicates the drive enclosure ID.

A dedicated hot spare is indicated by a disk icon and the text "HS", with the assigned RAID group number displayed at the top and "D. Hot Spare" displayed at the bottom.

If a disk fails, the frame of that disk is displayed in red. If this disk is alternated with a hot spare, the hot spare is displayed in the assigned color. Placing a mouse on a failed disk brings up the detailed error information.

The RAID group information and disk arrangement windows correlate with each other. Selecting a RAID group in RAID group information causes that the disks related to the RAID group are displayed in distinct colors on the disk arrangement window. Selecting a disk on the disk arrangement window causes that all disks in the RAID group configuring the disk and the RAID group in RAID information are displayed in distinct colors as well. When a selected RAID group belongs to a rack currently hidden, tabs for the related disks are displayed.