This section explains how to edit the lines indicating physical connections of manually embedded devices.
Open the Manual Configuration window.
Switch to the Main view, SAN view and select [File] - [Manual configuration window] from the menu or select [Manual configuration window] in the pop-up menu. All of the Fibre Channel switches, bridges, or routers are displayed.
Embedding a Fibre Channel switch port in a manually embedded device.
An UnknownFC port among Fibre Channel switch ports displayed in the Manual Configuration window indicates port connection place information that cannot be recognized. Click the UnknownFC port, and drag and drop it on the manually embedded device. (This operation cannot be performed by selecting [Physical Line] - [Edit] from the [Operation] menu.) A dialog then appears, and you can enter port information in this dialog. Enter port information, including options that can be recognized, in the dialog.
The left part of the figure below shows the status before an UnknownFC port of a Fibre Channel switch is dropped on a manually embedded test device. The right part shows the status after the UnknownFC port was dropped on the device.
Embedding an UnknownFC port of a Fibre Channel switch in a library or tape encryption device or bridge device (including the connection between the bridge and library devices).
Click the UnknownFC port of the Fibre Channel switch, and drag and drop it on the library device (upper FC port of the LT series) or bridge device. (This operation cannot be performed by selecting [Physical Line] - [Edit] from the [Operation] menu.) A dialog then appears, and you can enter port information in this dialog. Enter port information, including options that can be recognized, in the dialog.
When connecting the bridge device to the library device, click the device icons such as the robot or tape icon, displayed on the bridge device, and drag and drop them as though they are on the library device.
The connection between the library and the tape encryption device cannot be done.
The two figures below show an example of dropping port 2 (UnknownFC port) of Fibre Channel switch Switch on LT120 library device aa and an example of dropping port 0 (UnknownFC port) of Fibre Channel switch Switch on the boulder bridge. In these examples, the robot icon and tape icon of the bridge boulder are also dropped on the golden library.
Canceling manual embedding of an UnknownFC port.
To restore the UnknownFC port to its original state, right-click the set port/adapter, and select [Delete Registered Device] on the pop-up menu.
Close the Manual Configuration window.
Select [File] - [Exit] or select the <OK> button in the lower part.
When a change is made in the Manual Configuration window, a dialog box "Do you want to update the administrative server with the latest information?" is displayed. Select the <OK> button to refresh the information.