To enable management of undefined devices whose icons are displayed in violet, the devices must be registered with this software.
Take one of the following actions:
Select the icon of a device to be registered and then select [File] - [Register] - [Register SAN devices], or
Right-click the device icon and select [Register] - [Register SAN devices] in the pop-up menu.
When [View] - [Change] and [List View] is selected, device addition cannot be performed from the resource view.
When the "Register SAN devices" dialog described below is displayed, enter necessary data in each field.
When the adding device is ETERNUS VS900 model 300, the check box that sets to start the virtualization switch function displayed in the "Register SAN devices" dialog as follows. Please add a device in the condition that "When this device is registered, the Virtualization Switch function is started." box is checked.
User name and password
To manage the device, this software must recognize the user name and password associated with the device.
Since each device requires different information, the items displayed in the dialog change accordingly.
<Required information>
For SN200 (Brocade) fibre channel switch and the PRIMERGY BX600 fibre channel switch blade, a user name and password with administrator rights will be required.
For SN200MDS (Cisco MDS) Fibre Channel switch, there is no required information.
For Crossroads, specify the account name and password registered by the user.
For the ETERNUS3000 model 50, GR710, GR720, specify the password of the root account.
For the ETERNUS3000 (except model 50) and GRs other than the above, no user name and password are required.
Check box of "Enable fault monitoring via SNMP traps on this device"
When a device is added, this software automatically sets the SNMP Trap transmission place address for the device so that it can monitor for faults by using the SNMP Trap. For information about the device types for which the address automatic setting function can be used, see "1.3.7 Support levels". This setting is usually automatically made. However, when fault monitoring using this software is not necessary, this function can be disabled by unchecking the check box in the dialog.
If the function is disabled and if the SNMP Trap setting is made manually, the "Event Notification function setup" field on the displayed list will become "Un-setting up". If the administrative server has multiple IP addresses, verifying that the correct IP address is set as the SNMP Trap transmission place for each managed device is recommended after using this function.
For information about fault monitoring required for an added device after the function is disabled, see "5.2.4 Function for setting event notification destinations". For a detailed explanation of the automatic setup, see "5.2.5 SNMP Trap transmission place automatic setting function".
The check box of "Enable fault monitorinig via SNMP traps on this device" is invalid for the device which does not support the function of automatically setting SNMP Trap transmission place.
Check box of "Set the use of the Virtualization Switch function"
Set up ETERNUS VS900 model 300 to either operate as a normal switch or a virtualization switch. To operate an ETERNUS VS900 model 300 as a virtualization switch, select the "Set the use of the Virtualization Switch function" check box. To operate an ETERNUS VS900 model 300 as a normal switch, clear this check box.
Selecting the <OK> button registers the device.
When a Fibre Channel switch is embedded for which no zoning setting is defined (no security state), the window shown below is displayed.
Check "Do not configure WWPN_Zoning on the switch when access paths are created." to start the operation without security. In such a case, when an access path is set from this software, no zoning is set for the Fibre Channel switch.
Check "Configure WWPN_Zoning on the switch when access paths are created." to set WWPN zoning when an access path is set from this software. Considering the security of the Fibre Channel switch, the recommended selection is [Configure WWPN_Zoning on the switch when access paths are created] (bottom selection box).
Clicking <Initialize> button resets "Do not configure WWPN_Zoning on the switch when access paths are created." and "Configure WWPN_Zoning on the switch when access paths are created." to their initial settings.
If a device to be managed cannot be accessed, or if it is in any of the states described below, it cannot be registered.
Fibre Channel switch
Telnet was used to login to the target device.
Action: Log out, and then perform the registration process.
ETERNUS8000 series, ETERNUS6000 series, ETERNUS4000 series, ETERNUS3000 series, ETERNUS2000 series, ETERNUS DX60/DX80, GR series
User is logged into ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr of the target device.
Action: Log out, and then perform the registration process.
During the device registration process, if telnet is used to login to the Fibre Channel switch connected to the device to be registered, the physical line between the Fibre Channel switch and the device cannot be displayed because information cannot be obtained from the Fibre Channel switch. In this event, log out and execute [Refresh].