ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

4.2.6 VS900 model 200 Virtualization switch

This software supports ETERNUS VS900 model 200 Virtualization switch. Settings

For the system design and configuration building of the VS900, refer to the "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide for Virtual Storage Conductor". Points of concern Problem-handling (FAQ)

The device cannot be detected.
  • Please confirm whether neither Internet Protocol address of the server that Brocade SMI Agent is installed nor information on Brocade SMI Agent (NameSpace and Login account and Login password and Port Number etc.) are wrong. There is a possibility that the problem solves if Internet Protocol address that you specified for the device detecting is changed. (When the server in which Brocade SMI Agent is installed has two or more Internet Protocol addresses.)

  • Please confirm Brocade SMI Agent has started. Moreover, the device might be detected by restarting Brocade SMI Agent.

  • Please confirm whether information set to Brocade SMI Agent is correct. To make set information effective, you should restart Brocade SMI Agent.

  • Please refer to Installation Guide on Brocade SMI Agent for the setting of Brocade SMI Agent.

The device cannot be registered.
  • Please confirm whether information on VS900 set to the hosts file of the administrative server is correct. The hosts file is in the following.

    OS Type

    Full path name of hosts file



    Solaris OS,


  • Please confirm whether information on the administrative server is correctly set to VS900. It is necessary to reboot VS900 to make set information effective.

  • Please refer to "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide for Virtual Storage Conductor" for the setting of the administrative server concerning VS900. Please refer to "ETERNUS VS900 Model 200 System Build Procedure" for the system construction procedure of VS900.


  • The software does not support a function to set an access path to the VS900. To build a SAN environment including the VS900, use the Zone Administration window of WEBTOOLS of the VS900 or the telnet command for zone setting.

  • Among VS900 zoning information, only WWPN zoning information can be displayed. If any zoning other than WWPN zoning is configured, access paths and zoning information cannot be displayed.

  • This software does not support a function for automatically setting a SNMP Trap send destination address for the VS900. To set such an address, use WEBTOOLS or the telnet command.

  • This software does not support a function to monitor VS900 performance.

  • This software does not support a VS900 beacon function.

  • This software does not support a "Detect device in subnet" function for the VS900. Therefore, use the "Detect by IP address" function with an IP address specified instead.