ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

1.3.3 Performance management

When the performance information reservation command is issued from the Main View, Domain view or SAN view for devices from which performance information is to be obtained, the performance management part of this software uses SNMP to obtain performance information from the devices and saves the obtained information on the management server. The information can be displayed and managed in the Performance Management window. To manage the performance information of a device, display the Performance Management window from [File], and then drag the device icon from the Domain view or SAN view and drop it in the window.

Performance control functionality supports the fiber channel switch and ETERNUS disk storage systems. This function can be used to obtain the detailed operational status and load status of a device. Additionally, by knowing the number of active disks, it is possible to verify the Eco-mode status of the ETERNUS disk storage system.

In addition, a threshold can be set for particular information. The function can detect a potential bottleneck and be used to address the problem.

The performance information can be referenced using Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator. For details, refer to the Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator manual.


For details about supported devices, refer to "1.3.7 Support levels".

Information targeted for performance management

The information managed by the performance control is different for the fibre channel switch and ETERNUS disk storage systems.
On the following tables, "A" indicates "Available", "N/A" indicates "Not Available".


  • Do not execute performance monitoring for a single device from more than one administrative server(*) at the same time.
    * The Softek Storage Cruiser administrative servers, the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser administrative servers or the Systemwalker Resource Coordinator administrative servers.

  • When RAID Consolidation is being performed in ETERNUS6000, the RAIDGroup response time will not be displayed.

  • LogicalVolume(LUN) and RAIDGroup performance information including LogicalVolume, created by LUN Concatenation in the ETERNUS8000 and ETERNUS4000 (except models 80 and 100) that firmware versions are before V11L40, will not be displayed.

  • ETERNUS disk storage systems main frame volume and performance information for MVV and SDV are not supported. RAIDGroup performance information including SDV cannot be guaranteed.

  • ETERNUS6000 CA performance information displays FC-CA port or FC-RA port performance information. Performance information during the execution of REC and ROPC will be displayed as Write performance information, even if FC-RA port is set up on the Initiator or the Target.

  • ETERNUS8000 and ETERNUS4000 (except models 80 and 100) CA performance information displays FC-CA port or FC-RA port performance information. Performance information during the execution of REC and ROPC will be displayed as follows.

    • It will be displayed as Read performance information, if FC-RA port is set on the Initiator.

    • It will be displayed as Write performance information, if FC-RA port is set on the Target.

  • The performance information for the number of active disks, power consumption, and temperature can be managed by setting perf.conf (detailed configuration file for storage performance management).

  • The CPU and ROE usage rates are displayed for the CM load (CPU usage) for ETERNUS4000 models 400 and 600 and ETERNUS8000 models 800, 1200 and 2200. For other ETERNUS disk storage systems, the ROE usage rate is not displayed. Also, for ETERNUS disk storage systems that do not have a ROE, the parity generation processing for RAID5 and RAID6 and encryption processing that would otherwise be performed by the ROE are performed by the CM and the CM-CPU.

  • Performance information for Thin Provisioning Volume and RAID Group used by Thin Provisioning Pool in the ETERNUS8000 and ETERNUS4000 (except models 80 and 100), will not be displayed.

Information for threshold monitoring

Information for threshold monitoring differs between the fibre channel switch and the ETERNUS disk storage systems.


For the CM load (CPU usage) rate, the ROE usage rate is not monitored.