Systemwalker Desktop Patrol User's Guide - Microsoft(R) Windows (R) -
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Chapter 2 Configuration of Systemwalker Desktop Patrol> 2.2 Link with Other Products

2.2.1 Event Link

Event link is a Desktop Patrol function that displays an alarm in the monitoring window of the other product using the alarm notification function of Systemwalker Desktop Patrol. Alarms could go out for licensing violations or unapplied security patches, among other things.

The monitoring window in Systemwalker Desktop Patrol that displays the alarm is the console. The product that allow events links is shown in the below table.

Product name

Monitoring window

Systemwalker CentricMGR SE/EE V10.0L20 or later*

Systemwalker console

*The "Systemwalker Desktop Patrol CS" must be installed on the machine on which either the Operation Management Server, Section Management Server or Job Server is installed.

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