PRIMECLUSTER Global File Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.2 (Solaris(TM) Operating Environment)
Appendix F Reference Manual
F.2 Management Commands Specific to the GFS Shared File System
F.2.1 sfcadd(1M) Adds file data partitions
F.2.2 sfcadm(1M) Changes partition information settings
F.2.3 sfcddr(1M) Restores backup data and checks device restoring
F.2.4 sfcdu(1M) Summarize disk usage
F.2.5 sfcdump(1M) Dumps a GFS Shared File System
F.2.6 sfcedquota(1M) Edits quota limits for each user
F.2.7 sfcfrmstart(1M) Starts FsRM on the self node
F.2.8 sfcfrmstop(1M) Stops FsRM on the self-node
F.2.9 sfcgetconf(1M) Backs up the management partition
F.2.10 sfchost(1M) Displays and changes a connection host name with MDS
F.2.11 sfcinfo(1M) Displays partition information
F.2.12 sfcmkbkup(1M), sfcmkrstr(1M) Generates a shell script for backing up
F.2.13 sfcmntgl(1M) Mounts the GFS Shared File System on all nodes
F.2.14 sfcnewfs(1M) Builds the GFS Shared File System
F.2.15 sfcnode(1M) Adds, deletes, and alters node configuration information
F.2.16 sfcproxybreak(1M) Cancels the relationship for high speed backup and restoration
F.2.17 sfcproxyinfo(1M) Displays information about the relationship for high speed backup and restoration
F.2.18 sfcproxyjoin(1M) Sets up the relationship for high speed backup and restoration
F.2.19 sfcproxyop(1M) Executes operation for high speed backup and restoration
F.2.20 sfcproxyrestore(1M) Restores a file system at high speed
F.2.21 sfcquota(1M) Displays the quota limit value and uses amount for each user
F.2.22 sfcquotadm(1M) Manages quotas files
F.2.23 sfcquotaon(1M), sfcquotaoff(1M) Validates and invalidates the quota function
F.2.24 sfcrepquota(1M) Displays the quota function limits and uses amounts of all users
F.2.25 sfcrestore(1M) Restores from the dump created with sfcdump
F.2.26 sfcrscinfo(1M) Displays file system information
F.2.27 sfcsetup(1M) Initializes the management partition; adds, deletes, displays path of the management partition
F.2.28 sfcstat(1M) Reports statistics on the GFS Shared File System
F.2.29 sfcswitch(1M) MDS failback
F.2.30 sfctune(1M) Tunes the GFS Shared File System
F.2.31 sfcumntgl(1M) Unmounts the GFS Shared File System from all nodes
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