PRIMECLUSTER Installation and Administration Guide 4.1 (for Solaris(TM) Operating System)
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Part 5 Maintenance> Chapter 10 Maintenance of the PRIMECLUSTER System> 10.3 Software Maintenance> 10.3.2 Overview of the Correction Application Procedure Procedure for Applying Corrections by Stopping an Entire System

This section explains the procedure for applying corrections by stopping the entire cluster system. An example of a two-node 1:1 standby configuration is used here.

mark2Flow of operation


Copy the correction to be applied to each node to the local file system in advance.

  1. Stop RMS.

    Execute hvshut -a on either cluster node to stop the operation of RMS.

  2. Shut down all nodes.

    Shut down all nodes.

  3. Boot in single-user mode.

    Boot all the nodes that were shut down in single-user mode.

  4. Mount the local file system.

    Execute mountall -1 on all the nodes to mount the local file system.

  5. Apply corrections.

    Apply the corrections that were copied to the local file system in advance.

  6. Reboot.

    After applying the corrections, boot the nodes by using shutdown -i6.

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