PRIMECLUSTER Global Disk Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.1 (Solaris(TM) Operating System)
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Appendix D Command Reference

D.18 Volume Creation Using Command

In this section, operation outline of volume creation is explained. Please use as a reference when configuring the environment. For details, see the Command Reference.

For the order of mirroring system disks, see "USAGE EXAMPLES" in "sdxroot - Root file system mirroring definition and cancellation."

In order to define the configuration of GDS objects such as classes and volumes, PRIMECLUSTER resources must be registered in advance. For details on registering resources, see "PRIMECLUSTER Cluster Foundation (CF) Configuration and Administration".


(1) Creating a mirror volume

The procedure which carries out the mirroring of physical disks c1t0d0 and c2t0d0, and creates a volume as an example is shown.

1) Registering disks to class

Register the physical disks with a class. When the specified class does not exist, it will be created automatically.

Example) Registering physical disks c1t0d0 and c2t0d0 to local class "Local", and name these "Disk1" and "Disk2".

# sdxdisk -M -a type=local -c Class1 -d c1t0d0=Disk1,c2t0d0=Disk2

When registering disks to shared class, you must specify the "scope" attribute with the -a option. See an example below.

# sdxdisk -M -c Class1 -a type=shared,scope=node1:node2 -d c1t0d0=Disk1,c2t0d0=Disk2

2) Connecting the disks to a mirror group

Connect the disks to a mirror group. When the specified mirror group does not exist, it will be created automatically.

Example: Connecting "Disk1" and "Disk2" to mirror group "Group1".

# sdxdisk -C -c Class1 -g Group1 -d Disk1,Disk2

3) Creating a mirror volume

Create a volume within the mirror group.

Example: Creating a volume of 1,000 blocks within mirror group "Group1", and assigning a volume name "Volume1".

# sdxvolume -M -c Class1 -g Group1 -v Volume1 -s 1000

After returning from the command, synchronization copying will automatically begin.

4) Confirming the completion of procedure

Confirm that the synchronization copying is complete.

Example: Confirming synchronization copying of volume "Volume1" is complete.

# sdxinfo -S -o Volume1

------ ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
slice  Class1  Group1  Disk1   Volume1 ACTIVE
slice  Class1  Group1  Disk2   Volume1 COPY

If the all the displayed slices' STATUS fields are "ACTIVE," synchronization copying is complete.

If the synchronization copying is still in progress, "COPY" will be displayed in the STATUS field.
Using the -e long option, you can check the progress of the synchronization copying.
For details, see "sdxinfo - Display object configuration and status information."


(2) Creating a single volume

The procedure which creates a single volume as an example using physical disk c1t0d0 is shown.

1) Registering a disk to class

Register the physical disk with a class. When the specified class does not exist, it will be created automatically.

Example: Registering physical disk c1t0d0 to shared class "Shared", and assigning the name "Disk1".

# sdxdisk -M -c Class1 -a type=shared,scope=node1:node2 -d c1t0d0=Disk1:single

2) Creating a single volume

Create a volume within the single disk.

Example: Creating a volume of 1,000 blocks within single disk "Disk 1", and assigning a volume name "Volume1".

# sdxvolume -M -c Class1 -d Disk1 -v Volume1 -s 1000


(3) Creating a large-capacity volume (using concatenation)

The procedure which concatenates physical disks c1t0d0 and c2t0d0, and creates a volume as an example is shown.

1) Registering disks to class

Register the physical disks with a class. When the specified class does not exist, it will be created automatically.

Example: Registering physical disks c1t0d0 and c2t0d0 to shared class "Shared", and assigning the names "Disk1" and "Disk2" respectively.

# sdxdisk -M -c Class1 -a type=shared,scope=node1:node2 -d c1t0d0=Disk1,c2t0d0=Disk2

2) Connecting the disks to a concatenation group

Connect the disks to a concatenation group. When the specified concatenation group does not exist, it will be created automatically.

Example: Connecting "Disk1" and "Disk2" to concatenation group "Group1".

# sdxdisk -C -c Class1 -g Group1 -d Disk1,Disk2 -a type=concat

3) Creating a large-capacity volume

Create a volume within the concatenation group.

Example: Creating a volume of 1,000,000,000 blocks within concatenation group "Group1", and assigning a volume name "Volume1".

# sdxvolume -M -c Class1 -g Group1 -v Volume1 -s 1000000000 -a pslice=off


(4) Creating a stripe volume

The procedure which carries out striping of physical disk c1t0d0 and c2t0d0, and creates volume as an example is shown.

1) Registering disks to class

Register the physical disks with a class. When the specified class does not exist, it will be created automatically.

Example: Registering physical disks c1t0d0 and c2t0d0 to shared class "Shared", and assigning the names "Disk1" and "Disk2" respectively.

# sdxdisk -M -c Class1 -a type=shared,scope=node1:node2 -d c1t0d0=Disk1,c2t0d0=Disk2

2) Connecting the disks to a stripe group

Connect the disks to a stripe group. When the stripe group does not exist, it will be created automatically.

Example: Connecting "Disk1" and "Disk2" to stripe group "Group1".

# sdxdisk -C -c Class1 -g Group1 -d Disk1,Disk2 -a type=stripe,width=32

3) Creating a stripe volume

Create a volume within the stripe disk.

Example: Creating a volume of 1,000 blocks within stripe group "Group1", and assigning a volume name "Volume1".

# sdxvolume -M -c Class1 -g Group1 -v Volume1 -s 1000 -a pslice=off


(5) Creating a mirror volume (Combining striping and mirroring)

Example: Configuring stripe groups with physical disks c1t0d0 and c2t0d0, and c3t0d0 and c4t0d0 respectively, and creating a volume by mirroring those two stripe groups.

1) Registering disks to class

Register the physical disks with a class. When the specified class does not exist, it will be created automatically.

Example: Registering physical disks c1t0d0, c2t0d0, c3t0d0 and c4t0d0 to shared class "Shared", and assigning the names "Disk1", "Disk2", "Disk3" and "Disk4" respectively.

# sdxdisk -M -c Class1 -a type=shared,scope=node1:node2 \
-d c1t0d0=Disk1,c2t0d0=Disk2,c3t0d0=Disk3,c4t0d0=Disk4

2) Connecting the disks to a stripe group

Connect the disks to a stripe group. When the stripe group does not exist, it will be created automatically.

Example: Connecting "Disk1" and "Disk2" to stripe group "Group1".

# sdxdisk -C -c Class1 -g Group1 -d Disk1,Disk2 -a type=stripe,width=32

Connecting Disk3 and Disk4 to stripe group Group2.

# sdxdisk -C -c Class1 -g Group2 -d Disk3,Disk4 -a type=stripe,width=32

3) Connecting the stripe groups to a mirror group

Connect the stripe groups to a mirror group. When the specified mirror group does not exist, it will be created automatically.

Example: Connecting the stripe group "Group1" and "Group2" to mirror group "Group3".

# sdxgroup -C -c Class1 -h Group3 -l Group1,Group2 -a type=mirror

The "-a type=mirror" option is omissible.

4) Creating a mirror volume

Create a volume within the highest level mirror group.

Example: Creating a volume of 1,000 blocks within mirror group "Group3", and assigning a volume name "Volume1"

# sdxvolume -M -c Class1 -g Group3 -v Volume1 -s 1000 -a pslice=off

After returning from the command, synchronization copying will automatically begin.

5) Confirming the completion of procedure

Confirm that the synchronization copying is complete.

Example: Confirming synchronization copying of volume "Volume1" is complete.

# sdxinfo -S -o Volume1

------ ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
slice  Class1  Group3  Group1  Volume1 ACTIVE
slice  Class1  Group3  Group2  Volume1 COPY

If the all the displayed slices' STATUS fields are "ACTIVE," synchronization copying is complete.
If the synchronization copying is still in progress, "COPY" will be displayed in the STATUS field.
Using the -e long option, you can check the progress of the synchronization copying.

For details, see "sdxinfo - Display object configuration and status information."

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