PRIMECLUSTER Global Disk Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.1 (Solaris(TM) Operating System)
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Chapter 6 Backing Up and Restoring> 6.6 Backing Up and Restoring through an External Server> 6.6.4 Backing Up and Restoring by the Disk Unit's Copy Function Restoring form a BCV

11) Stopping the services

Exit all applications using application volume Volume1 on Node1 and Node2 in the primary domain.

When Volume1 is used as a file system, unmount it.


12) Stopping the application volume

Stop application volume Volume1 on Node1 and Node2 in the primary domain. Execute the following command on Node1 or Node2.

# sdxvolume -F -c Class1 -v Volume1 -e allnodes


13) Disconnecting any nonrelevant disk from the application volume

In the primary domain, disconnect any disk (Disk2) other than Disk1 that is the restore target from Class1, among disks connected to Class1 to which application volume Volume1 belongs. Execute the following command on Node1 or Node2 in the primary domain.

# sdxswap -O -c Class1 -d Disk2


14) Restoring from the BCV

Restore data held in standard device STD001 from BCV device BCV001 in the primary domain. The following procedure must be performed on Node1 or Node2 in the primary domain.

14-1) Restoring from the BCV

Restore data held in standard device STD001 from BCV device BCV001.

# symmir -g DevGroup restore STD001 BCV ld BCV001

14-2) Viewing the status of restore

When restore is in process, a BCV pair of standard device STD001 and BCV device BCV001 is in the RestInProg status. Confirm that restore is complete and the BCV pair is made the Restored status.

# symmir -g DevGroup query

Device Group (DG) Name: DevGroup
DG's Type             : REGULAR
DG's Symmetrix ID     : 000285502123
     Standard Device                   BCV Device                 State
------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------
                   Inv.                                 Inv.
Logical        Sym Tracks Logical                 Sym   Tracks STD <=> BCV
------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------
STD001         005      0 BCV001                  073 *      0 Restored

15) Resuming the services and reconnecting the disk back to the application volume

Resume the services in the primary domain. The following settings are necessary on the node that runs the service.

In the following example resuming the service is put above resynchronizing the application volume. Through this procedure the services are resumed first and then resynchronization of the volume is secured during the services operation. If resynchronizing the volume should be put above resuming the services, the procedure should be followed in the order of steps 15-1), 15-2), 15-4), 15-5) (confirming that the synchronization copying is complete), and 15-3).

15-1) Activating the application volume

Activate application volume Volume1.

# sdxvolume -N -c Class1 -v Volume1

15-2) Reconfiguring the partition information of the sfxfs file system

When application volume Volume1 is used as the sfxfs file system, reconfigure the partition information.

# sfxadm /dev/sfdsk/Class1/rdsk/Volume1

15-3) Resuming the services

When the file system on application volume Volume1 was unmounted in step 11), mount it again.

Start the applications using Volume1.

15-4) Reconnecting the disk to the application volume

Reconnect Disk2 disconnected from Class1 to which application volume Volume1 belongs in step 13).

# sdxswap -I -c Class1 -d Disk2 -e nowaitsync

After returning from the command, synchronization copying from the slice on Disk1 of volume Volume1 to the slice on Disk2 is executed.

15-5) Viewing the copy status

The status of synchronization copying can be viewed using the sdxinfo -S command. The copy destination slice is in COPY status if copying is in progress and it will be in ACTIVE status after the copy process ends normally (note, however, that it will be in STOP status when Volume1 is in STOP status).

# sdxinfo -S -c Class1 -o Volume1

------ ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
slice  Class1  Group1  Disk1   Volume1 ACTIVE
slice  Class1  Group1  Disk2   Volume1 COPY

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