PRIMECLUSTER Global Disk Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.1 (Solaris(TM) Operating System)
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Chapter 5 Operation> 5.4 Changes

5.4.1 Class Configuration

The procedures for changing class configuration are explained below.

Changing Class Configuration

  1. Displaying Class Configuration screen

    In the Main screen [Settings] menu, select [Class Configuration]. Class Configuration screen appears.

    [Figure: Class Configuration]

  2. Selecting class to change

    Select the class you want to change from Class Configuration screen [Class Name].

  3. Changing configuration

    Follow the procedures below to register a physical disk (create a disk), or to remove a disk.

    1. Registering a physical disk (Creating a disk)

      1. Select the physical disk you want to register as disk from [Physical Disk] field.

      2. Click <Add>.

      3. When changing the disk attributes from the initial values, change the disk type by selecting the appropriate disk from the [Class Configuration Disk] field.

        [Figure: Physical Disk Registration]

    2. Removing a disk

      1. Select the disk you want to remove from the [Class Configuration Disk] field.

      2. Click <Delete>.

  4. Completing the change

    If you have no other changes to make, click <Exit>.


Changing the Class Attributes

Change the class attributes using the following procedures.

Preconditions for Changing Class Attributes

  1. Invoking the Class Attributes Definition screen

    Invoke the Class Attributes Definition screen using one of the following methods.

    1. Operation menu in the Main screen

      Click the target class's icon on the GDS configuration tree in the Main screen, and select [Operation]:[Change Attributes] to invoke the Class Attributes Definition screen.

    2. Change Attributes button in the Class Configuration screen

      Select the target class from the [Class Name] in the Class Configuration screen, and click the <Change Attributes> button to invoke the Class Attributes Definition screen.

    [Figure: Class Attributes Definition Screen]

  2. Changing attributes

    1. For a single node

      You can only change the class name.

    2. For a cluster

      You can change the following attributes:

      • Class Name

      • Type

      • Scope

    For information on assigning a class name, see "Object Name."

  3. Implementing changes

    Click <OK> to implement the attributes change, or <Cancel> to cancel.

    Changes in Special File Path Names
    Changing the class name will also change the special file path name used to access the volume.


Changing the Disk Attributes

When changing the disk attributes, there are two procedures to choose from:

Preconditions for Changing Disk Attributes
Changes cannot be made in the attributes of disks that are connected to groups and disks that have volumes.


Using Main screen Operation menu

  1. Selecting disk to change

    Display the disk you want to change in the Main screen [Disk Information] field. Click the icon and select the disk you want to change.

  2. Displaying Disk Attributes Definition screen

    In the Main screen [Operation] menu, select [Change Attributes]. Disk Attributes Definition screen appears.

    [Figure: Disk Attribute Definition Screen]

  3. Changing attributes

    You can change the following attributes.

    For details on assigning a disk name, see "Object Name."

  4. Applying changes

    Click <OK> to apply changes in the attributes change, or <Cancel> to cancel.


Using the Class Configuration screen

  1. Displaying the disk to change attributes

    Select the disk of which you want to change attributes in the [Class Configuration Disk] field.

  2. Changing attributes

    You can change the following attributes in the [Class Configuration Disk] field.

    For details on assigning a disk name, see "Object Name."

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