Interstage Application Server SOAPサービス ユーザーズガイド |
目次 索引 |
第11章 サンプルプログラム | > 11.3 RPC方式のサンプルプログラム |
soapmodifydd -set -url http://localhost:12000/soap_admin/servlet/WSContainer DeploymentDescriptor.xml
java Young3PersonsClient http://localhost:80/soap_dev/servlet/WSContainer
java Young3PersonsClient http://localhost:80/soap_dev/servlet/WSContainer
Please input the name of person-1: Jiro
Please input the age of person-1: 18
Please input the name of person-2: Goro
Please input the age of person-2: 12
Please input the name of person-3: Saburo
Please input the age of person-3: 17
Please input the name of person-4: Shiro
Please input the age of person-4: 15
Please input the name of person-5: Ichiro
Please input the age of person-5: 20
Young 3 persons:
[name=Goro, age=12]
[name=Shiro, age=15]
[name=Saburo, age=17]
目次 索引 |