目次 索引 前ページ次ページ

第3部 SDK編> 第5章 アプリケーション開発環境(LDAP C API)> 5.5 サンプルプログラム> 5.5.3 サンプルプログラムの紹介 非同期型のエントリ追加




   * Copyright (c) 1998. Fujitsu Limited. All rights reserved.
   * Add a new entry to the directory.
  #include    <sys/types.h>
  #include    <stdio.h>
  #include    <stdlib.h>
  #include    <string.h>
  #if defined(unix)
  #include    <time.h>
  #elif defined(_WIN32)
  #include    <winsock.h>
  #include    "examples.h"
  #define     NMODS    6
  unsigned long    global_counter = 0;
  char    *host     = "localhost";
  int     port      = LDAP_PORT;
  char    *bind_dn  = "cn=admin,o=Fujitsu,c=JP";
  char    *passwd   = "admin123";
  char    *add_dn   = "uid=User1,o=Fujitsu,c=JP";
  char *objectclass_values[] = {
  char *cn_values[] = {
      "T Fujitsu",
      "Tarou Fujitsu",
  char *sn_values[] = {
  char *givenname_values[] = {
  char *telephonenumber_values[] = {
  char *uid_values[] = {
   * Free a mods array.
  static void free_mods(
      LDAPMod    *mods[]
      int i;
      for ( i = 0; i < NMODS; i++ ) {
          if ( mods[ i ] == NULL ) {
          free( mods[ i ] );
      free( mods );
   * Perform other work while polling for results. This doesn't do anything
   * useful, but it could.
  static void do_other_work()
      extern unsigned long  global_counter;
  int main(
      int   argc,
      char  *argv[]
      LDAP              *ld;  
      LDAPMessage       *result; 
      int               i, j;  
      int               rtn;  
      int               msgid;  
      int               finished;  
      struct timeval    zerotime;  
      LDAPMod           **mods;  
      int               errcode;  
      char              *errmsg;  
      char              *mached;  
      int               optdata;  
      extern char       *host;  
      extern int        port;  
      extern char       *bind_dn;  
      extern char       *passwd;  
      extern char       *add_dn;  
      extern char       *objectclass_values[];  
      extern char       *cn_values[];  
      extern char       *sn_values[];  
      extern char       *givenname_values[];  
      extern char       *telephonenumber_values[];  
      extern char       *uid_values[];  
      printf( "%s is start\n", argv[0] );  
      /* get a handle to an LDAP connection */  
      printf( "%s: ldap_init( \"%s\", %d )\n", argv[0], host, port );  
      ld = ldap_init( host, port );  
      if ( ld == NULL ) {  
          perror( "ldap_init" );  
          printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );  
          exit( 1 );  
      /* set option ( LDAP_VERSION3 ) */  
      optdata = LDAP_VERSION3;  
      printf( "%s: ldap_set_option( LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, %d )\n",argv[0], optdata);  
      rtn = ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, (void *)(&optdata));  
      if ( rtn != 0 ) {  
          do_error_msg( "ldap_set_option", rtn, NULL, NULL );  
          do_unbind( ld, argv );  
          printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );  
          exit( 1 );  
      /* simple authenticate to the directory as the Directory Manager */  
      printf( "%s: ldap_simple_bind_s( \"%s\", \"******\" )\n", argv[0], bind_dn);  
      rtn = ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, bind_dn, passwd );  
      if ( rtn != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {  
          do_error_msg( "ldap_simple_bind_s", rtn, NULL, NULL );  
          do_unbind( ld, argv );  
          printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );  
          exit( 1 );  
      /* Construct the array of values to add */  
      mods = ( LDAPMod ** )calloc(( NMODS + 1 ), sizeof( LDAPMod * ));  
      if ( mods == NULL ) {  
          fprintf( stderr, "%s: Cannot allocate memory for mods array\n", argv[0]);  
          do_unbind( ld, argv );  
          printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );  
          exit( 1 );  
      for ( i = 0; i < NMODS; i++ ) {  
          mods[ i ] = ( LDAPMod * )calloc( 1, sizeof( LDAPMod ));  
          if ( mods[ i ] == NULL ) {  
              fprintf( stderr, "%s: Cannot allocate memory for mods element\n",argv[0] );  
              free_mods( mods );  
              do_unbind( ld, argv );  
              printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );  
              exit( 1 );  
      mods[ 0 ]->mod_op     = 0;  
      mods[ 0 ]->mod_type   = "objectclass";  
      mods[ 0 ]->mod_values = objectclass_values;  
      mods[ 1 ]->mod_op     = 0;  
      mods[ 1 ]->mod_type   = "cn";  
      mods[ 1 ]->mod_values = cn_values;  
      mods[ 2 ]->mod_op     = 0;  
      mods[ 2 ]->mod_type   = "sn";  
      mods[ 2 ]->mod_values = sn_values;  
      mods[ 3 ]->mod_op     = 0;  
      mods[ 3 ]->mod_type   = "givenname";  
      mods[ 3 ]->mod_values = givenname_values;  
      mods[ 4 ]->mod_op     = 0;  
      mods[ 4 ]->mod_type   = "telephonenumber";  
      mods[ 4 ]->mod_values = telephonenumber_values;  
      mods[ 5 ]->mod_op     = 0;  
      mods[ 5 ]->mod_type   = "uid";  
      mods[ 5 ]->mod_values = uid_values;  
      mods[ 6 ] = NULL;  
      /* Initiate the add operation */  
      printf( "%s: ldap_add( \"%s\" )\n", argv[0], add_dn );  
      msgid = ldap_add( ld, add_dn, mods );  
      if ( msgid < 0 ) {  
          do_get_ldaperror( ld, &errcode, &errmsg );  
          do_error_msg( "ldap_add", errcode, NULL, errmsg );  
          do_unbind( ld, argv );  
          free_mods( mods );  
          printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );  
          exit( 1 );  
      /* Poll for the result */  
      finished = 0;  
      while ( !finished ) {  
          printf( "%s: ldap_result( )\n", argv[0] );  
          result = NULL;  
          zerotime.tv_sec = zerotime.tv_usec = 0L;  
          rtn = ldap_result( ld, msgid, LDAP_MSG_ALL, &zerotime, &result);  
          switch ( rtn ) {  
              case -1:  
                  /* some error occurred */  
                  if ( result != NULL ) {  
                      errcode = NULL;  
                      mached = NULL;  
                      errmsg = NULL;  
                      ldap_parse_result( ld, result, &errcode, &mached, &errmsg,0, 0, 0 );  
                      do_error_msg( "ldap_result", errcode, mached, errmsg );  
                  printf( "%s: Entry added error.\n", argv[0] );  
                  do_unbind( ld, argv );  
                  free_mods( mods );  
                  printf( "%s is abnormal end\n", argv[0] );  
                  exit( 1 );  
              case 0:  
                  /* Timeout was exceeded. No entries are ready for retrieval */  
  #if defined(unix)
  #elif defined(_WIN32)
                  /* Should be finished here */  
                  finished = 1;  
                  errcode = NULL; 
                  mached = NULL;  
                  errmsg = NULL;  
                  rtn = ldap_parse_result( ld, result, &errcode, &mached, &errmsg,0,0, 0 );  
                  if ( errcode == LDAP_SUCCESS ) {  
                      printf( "%s: Entry added successfully." "I counted to %ld whilewaiting.\n", argv[0], global_counter);  
                  else {  
                      do_error_msg( "ldap_result", errcode, mached, errmsg );  
                      printf( "%s: Error while adding entry\n", argv[0]);  
                  ldap_msgfree( result );  
      do_unbind( ld, argv );  
      free_mods( mods );  
      printf( "%s is normal end\n", argv[0] );  
      exit( 0 );  

目次 索引 前ページ次ページ

All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C) 富士通株式会社 2005